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The Autonomous Learning Ability Cultivation Of The Professional Middle School Student In The Plant Tissue Culture Practice Course

Posted on:2007-07-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M LiangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Practice course is an important way for students in the professional middle school, but the reality now is that in the practice classes the teacher still was central and students just followed the teacher—repeated the things told by books or teachers-which is not beneficial for cultivating the students' creativity and autonomous learning ability. This "whole life learning" society require the student of autonomous learning ability. The study was based on our teaching experiment and during which we carried out the practice course-plant tissue culture, employed the teaching mode for the culture of autonomous learning ability, applied several models of teaching suitable for technical students to teach themselves. We carried out our study with tracking reference, experiment with control, question surveying, face-to-face points exchanging, operating activity observing. Considering the fact that the technical students were commonly relatively younger, poor learning background, not so much interested in learning, inappropriate study strategy, tired of studying theoretical knowledge, we adopted three teaching modes combining together-in the early stage, conceptual framework was used, in the middle and later stage, Cooperating to Learn was executed, and strategy framework was used in the whole practice. The result of our practice course was significant after a term of self-teaching practice. The students' operating ability significantly improved, learning attitude and habit changed relatively, autonomous learning concept increased and capable of lower stage autonomous learning. The question survey covering two classes showed that the students of the experiment class presented more autonomous learning strategies compared with the ones of the control class. In general, the model of autonomous learning proved its effect, but still many problems needs further teaching research and explosion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Professional Middle School, Practice Course, Plant Tissue Culture, Autonomous Learning, Ability Cultivation
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