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The Process Of Information Technology Use In Middle School From An Ecological Perspective

Posted on:2011-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360305477341Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since 2000 more than hundreds of billions have been invested into informational technology education market. But, huge investment has not been matching application efficiency. Because of current situation of development of informational technology education pattern, it is not fully used in education.Although research has identified a long list of factors that could affect technology integration in schools, these factors are often examined in isolation of each other or the system in which they interact. From an ecological perspective, we can view education field as a big ecosystem, informational technology as foreign species introduced into the system. From dynamic view of informational technology education in the application of the dynamic process of factors from the perspective of the interaction in schools. Therefore the ecology theory is applicated in education field, we analogy schools for ecosystem, informational technology for invading species, teachers and students for key-stone species.I select LuHe high school for investigation, because its informational technology level above the national average in domestic schools. So I think the sample can represent the survival and development of the current situation and future trend in the application of informational technology. Using the method of questionnaire, interviewing and participant observation to know social network, informational technology, key species beliefs about technology, key species level of technology, social factor, environment and so on to understand the influence of themselves to the survival conditions of informational technology in sample school. And using the statistical method, Spss for windows, Excel to process the data.According to data processing results of ecological perspective to analyze about invading species, ecosystem environment and key-stone species. And specific to the niche, compatibility, complexity, relative advantage, innovation decision-making about factors related to the invading species. And from hardware-quantity of access, easy availability, quality of available hardware with regard to technological infrastructure as well as technical support, administrative support, technology training opportunity, having time to explore, having freedom of technology use with regard to human infrastructure about factors related to ecosystem environment. And factors related to the key-stone species, such as SES, gender, grade, technology proficiency, social network, teacher beliefs about technology, pedagogical beliefs, subject taught and so on. Using the whole and contact concept to explain the influence of the application of informational technology.According to the investigation and analysis of informational technology application proposing optimizational strategy. Hoping all functions of school system, resources organically to develop health school ecosystem. The strategy to improve ecosystem environment specifically include: 1.Strengthening policy support and guiding public opinion. 2.Breakthrough level systems setting up flexible structure. The strategy to strengthen resources construction and clear informational technology niche specifically include: 1.Enhancing the invest and perfecting hardware resources. 2.Valuing the location of informational technology. The strategy to construct human resources and improve the key-stone species'informational literacy specifically include: 1.Constructing network for technical support. 2.Strengthening teacher training to improve teachers'informational literacy. 3.Cultivating students'interest and guaranteeing informational security.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecology, Informational Technology, Effective Use
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