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The Research On The Cultivating Of Students' Chinese Proficiency In The Chinese Textbook Published By Jiang Su Education Publishing House

Posted on:2011-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360305489771Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When Elaborating on the basic concept of Chinese courses, the "New Curriculum Standard" pointed out " to comprehensively improve students'Chinese quality, and to give full play to the educating function of the course." Here the reference to "Chinese quality" contains a number of aspects, including "Chinese proficiency" as the most important one; therefore the cultivating of the students'Chinese proficiency is the most important task of language teaching. As the textbook is the most important teaching resource, fostering students'Chinese proficiency must be put full emphasis on in a good textbook.The "normal high school curriculum standards Chinese test textbooks (Required)" published by Jiangsu Education Publishing House is a set of curriculum standard textbooks under the new trend of curriculum reform, and is used in such a wide scope, second only to the use of "PEP" textbook. This object of this study is the high school Chinese textbook published by Jiangsu Education Publishing House. This article tries to sort out cultivational mode of students'Chinese proficiency such as reading, writing, oral communication, creative thinking, aesthetic from the perspective of the thematic settings, the text selecting system, operating system, etc. of this book, and then explore the characteristics of its way of presentation. Finally, as to its limitations in cultivating students'Chinese proficiency, I propose some ideas and suggestions to this set of textbook.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jiangsu Education Publishing House, High School Chinese, Chinese Proficiency, Textbook, New Curriculum Standard
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