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High School Hinese Electives, Historical Records "Readings" Teaching

Posted on:2011-07-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Q XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360308465154Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The twenty-first century, our high school language courses in the new curriculum reform of the pilot phase, the most eye-catching is that people set up a rich variety of elective courses has changed in the past a single curriculum, to enhance the selectivity of the curriculum in order to to meet the student's interest and potential for students to create conditions for the diversification of the development. "Historical Records" is an encyclopedic masterpiece, that is an outstanding historical work, it is a great literary works, for shaping the personality of students, broaden their horizons, enhance the learning ability of students has a unique teaching function. Based on New Curriculum requirements, as the classics of Chinese traditional culture of "Historical Records" has become an elective curriculum development resource materials. In this paper, "Historical Records" choose courses teaching research and exploration, hope that the language in high school elective courses, a useful attempt.This main three parts: the first part is introduction, the main topics of papers about the reason or meaning, on the subject of status and trends, the subject of research objectives, innovation, or features and research methodologies.The second part is theory, is also the main body of this article, is divided into five chapters:The first chapter of the new curriculum ideas as the base and tapping new curriculum elective courses under the biography of the five teaching objectives, namely to enhance the comprehensive ability of students, humanities students in conservation, improve the student's personality, nurtured students of dialectical thinking, encourage biographical writing of students; then extracted elective high school language " choose" teaching objectives, teaching an elective course for the clear direction;Chapter II High School Chinese electives, "" Historical Records "choose" Survey of teaching, mainly comb "Historical Records" in different versions of the high school elective teaching materials, and to analyze the moment of "" Historical Records "Readings" teaching the existence of the four drawbacks of high school elective courses, "" Historical Records "Readings" teaching to explore more targeted;Chapter III under the high school elective, "" Historical Records "Readings" teaching the status quo, put forward its own vision of teaching, which is a core part of this paper, which is under the concept of the new curriculum, courses in advanced language teaching theory attempts made under the and exploration. High school elective, "" Historical Records "Readings" can use the following teaching strategies: holistic view of things, sense of language teaching; its winding, aesthetic education; interaction, dialogue, teaching and learning; develop an extension of the activities of teaching. Seeks to combine "Historical Records" of the writing characteristics of the ancient culture and fine sentiment ideas and artistic charm, attach importance to the students a unique experience for students to develop independent thinking, a bold challenge, be good to explore the issue of good habits of mind.Chapter IV with senior Chinese electives, "" Historical Records "choose" in teaching practice, for further reflection and summary.Part III is divided into conclusion, about the teachers should guide students to a useful self-study attempts to improve self-learning ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school language, elective, Records of the Historian
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