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A Study On The Quality Of College Students' Employment Under The New Normal

Posted on:2017-02-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207330485492402Subject:Labor economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the first enrollment of college students to enter the labor market in 2003, 13 years has passed in a twinkling of an eye. The number of college graduates is up to 765 million in 2016. China’s economic development shows a trend of speed change, transition, structure adjustment and power conversion. College students are facing the dual pressures of rising unemployment and the economic downturn. The problem of employment of university students is still difficult problem to be solved. The quality of employment of college students offers parents and the community an important basis to measure the whole quality of the school. Good employment is a performance of human resources reasonable and effective configuration,and a foundation for the smooth implementation of the social stability and development and the reform of the state. It can promote the coordinated development of economy and contribute to the transformation of industrial structure fundamentally. So high quality of graduate employment is a foundation to realize self value and social value.In this paper, the research subject is quality of employment of college students. Under the background of the new economic norm, through the implementation of the quality of employment of college students questionnaire, the integrated use of descriptive statistics, factor analysis, variance analysis and correlation analysis method for empirical analysis. The employment quality is measured by five factors, which are job matching degree, professional counterpart, salary and welfare, career development and career stability. But the development among each factor is not balanced, especially in terms of pay and benefits, salary and welfare is the primary problems existing in college students’ employment quality.In effect on three-dimensional capital on College Students Employment Quality: a positive correlation among human capital, social capital and psychological capital, which is the mutual influence among the three capital. There is a subtle different influence among human capital, social capital and psychological capital for the quality of College Students’ employment. Human capital which accumulated during the period of School has a positive effect on the employment quality. Furthermore, political affiliation, scholarships and student cadre experience play a significant positive role on the quality of employment. Psychological capital has a positive effect on employment quality of college students, the psychological capital of optimism and self-efficacy and hope pass the test of significance, effect on the quality of the employment is positive. But the effect of social capital on employment quality and has not been verified, which needs further improvement in the research. Therefore, colleges should attach importance to students of human capital accumulation, employment guidance department should pay attention to the timely release of employment information, expand the college students to obtain employment information channels, pay close attention to the psychological state of College students. College students should improve their employment competitiveness, strengthening social ties, maintain a positive attitude, strengthen their courage and ability to face frustration.
Keywords/Search Tags:college students, employment quality, human capital, social capital, psychological capital
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