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A Study On The Relationship Between Three Dimensional Capital And College Students’ First Employment Quality

Posted on:2017-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G M SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330485975666Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the implementation of the large-scale enrollment policy of China’s colleges and universities in 1999, higher education rapidly transforms from "elite education" to "mass education". College Students’ employment situation is increasingly serious, which becomes the focus of attention. A lot of scholars have achieved abundant research results about employment of college students from a multidisciplinary perspective. Based on the results of previous studies, taking the individual human capital, social capital and psychological capital as the starting point, we research on College Students’ first employment quality through empirical investigation to understand the situation of three-dimensional capital and analysis the relationship between three-dimensional capital and first employment quality, and then propose some countermeasures and suggestions to enhance the first Employment Quality.The text consists of five chapters. The first part is the preface, which describes the background, significance and purpose of the study, and then sums up the related literature about about human capital, social capital, psychological capital and whose impact on employment quality. The second chapter defines the terminology involved, introduces the theoretical basis of this research and further analysis of how three-dimensional capital theory affect the college students’ employment quality. The third chapter is the research design. Based on the results of previous studies, this study chooses the measurement index of variable and proposes the hypothesis and theoretical model of this study according to the influence of human capital, social capital, and psychological capital on employment quality. The fourth chapter is the data collection and analysis. The econometric methods were used to analysis the data collected from the 2016 session students of three agricultural universities of Central China. The fifth chapter is the summary and suggestions of this study, which were proposed to improve first employment quality of college students based on the results of this study, and further recommendation was made for the future research.This study adopts questionnaire survey to obtain the information of human capital, social capital, psychological capital and initial employment quality, which was collected from the 450 college students of three agricultural universities of Central China. Furthermore, statistical software SPSS 20.0 was used to evaluate the data from the aspect of reliability and validity analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, difference analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and mediating effect analysis. Finally, the conclusion was gotten:(1)College Students’ human capital, social capital, psychological capital and the quality of initial employment show significant differences in gender and place of residence.(2)There is a remarkable correlation between the human capital, social capital, psychological capital and first employment quality.(3)College students’ human capital, social capital and psychological capital could positively predict the first employment quality.(4)The college students’ psychological capital function as the mediator at some content between the human capital, social capital and first employment quality, in other words, human capital and social capital can have a direct effect on the college students’ employment quality, and they also could affect the psychological capital to play their roles.
Keywords/Search Tags:human capital, social capital, psychological capital, college students, first employment quality
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