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A Study On The Information Support Strategy Of The Cooperation Between School And Enterprise In Vocational Education In Minority Areas

Posted on:2017-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207330503983853Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the important role of information technology in the field of education to play, more and more people began to pay attention to the value of information technology on the development of vocational education in school-enterprise cooperation of ethnic minority areas. Based on this, the present study using information technology to support the development of ethnic areas of vocational education school-enterprise cooperation as the focus of research.In this study, the situation of information support vocational education school-enterprise cooperation ethnic areas is the starting point. By Fieldwork understand the status of vocational education school-enterprise cooperation in Guangxi, Guizhou, and other places in Southeast. The study found that information technology plays in supporting vocational education school-enterprise cooperation ethnic areas in the development of a huge role, but there is still insufficient capital investment, heavy hardware and less digital curriculum resources, failed to effectively solve the shortage of teachers, professional settings deviate from national regional demand school-enterprise collaboration platform for the missing information problem.Through analysis, we found that the actual demand for vocational education in national regions enterprise cooperation around the course, teachers and learning support services in three areas continue. Starting from the demand to review the general policies and methods for promoting vocational education school-enterprise cooperation, vocational education school-enterprise cooperation assessment methods and strategies to do look. Then they analyzed the impact of information technology on the development of vocational education ethnic areas, and then discusses the information technology to support the core mechanism Ethnic Area Vocational Education school-enterprise cooperation and expand based compensation and transfer of information technology resources, virtual reality extension tools and innovation to enhance the depth of cooperation between schools and enterprises in vocational education. Based on the above discussion, based on information technology ethnic areas of vocational education school-enterprise cooperation it has occurred is discussed cases. The study found that information technology can achieve cross-regional communication and the flow of resources between schools and enterprises, and, in some cases the depth of cooperation to promote vocational institutions and businesses.In this study, college- enterprise cooperation as a starting point for an important role of information technology in which, based on the concept of synergy, we proposed four collaborative enterprise line forms of cooperation between Government and Universities, promoting school enterprise cooperation; on curriculum resources,to strengthen the national culture construction of curriculum resources and the introduction of VOOCs(Vocational open online courses) expand access to quality resource sharing; proposed national vocational education teacher training and web-based integrated teaching vocational education cloud platform based on online communities of practice in teacher COP construction, in improving at the same time the ability of teachers to ease the pressure of lack of teachers; introduction of virtual reality, simulation technology and big data technology in the training, the formation of new forms of training. From forms of cooperation, four curriculum resources, teacher,training proposes an improved strategy to provide improvements to the depth of ethnic cooperation in vocational schools and businesses.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information and communication technology L ethnic areas, school-enterprise cooperation, the concept of synergy
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