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Research On The Development Of Rural Pre-school Education In Gongzhuling Area Jiiin Province

Posted on:2013-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330395959401Subject:Agricultural extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In China, preschool education in rural areas has been frequentlystressed in the past five-year plans and explicit objective of kindergardenattendance rate has been put forward as well. Accordingly, localgovernments set developing goals as a response to a series of educationalrules and regulations issued by the State Council of the Party CentralCommittee, so as to promote durative growth rate of kindergardenattendance in rural areas. In recent years, preschool education has beensteadily developed in Jilin province, within which there is one modelkindergarden in each county and one central kindergarden in each town.Public kindergardens serve as main and private ones as an auxiliary part,both of which form the frame of preschool education. Thus, thekindergarden attendance rate has been greatly improved. Depsite all theachiements obtained, there do exist several problems. Hence, thisdissertation, by researching in the present educational situation ofkindergardens in villages and towns subordinated to Gongzhuling,focuses on the problems in the present preschool education in rural ereasto analyze the causes and seek solutions, in order that the preschooleducation in villages and towns subordinated to Gongzhuling could beenhanced.The introduction part of the dissertation consists of researchingbackground, significance, domestic literature review and abroad,researching ideas, methods and contents, as well as some innovativepoints and defects. The main body of the thesis focuses on the followingthree aspects. The first aspect falls on the present situation and problems of preschool education in villages and towns subordinated toGongzhuling: I. Preschool educational institutions are of large quantity,but lack of administration, in which not only infrustructure constructionof such kindergardens is out of standerization and teaching facilities aresimple and crude, but also sanitary conditions fail to comply with nationalstandard, both personnel management is improper and illegal schoolbuses remain at large; II. Education ideas and teaching methods lagbehind so much that teaching activities are invariant and the arrangementof children’s kindergarden life are improper, and not only primary schooleducation still exists and teaching materials are out of order, but alsoeducational ideas lag behind and the routine teaching activities arerenamed as specialized courses for extra money. The second aspect isabout the causing reasons: I. Local governments failed to administerpreschool education. II. The training mechanism of educationadministration was improper. III. Rural parents who lack the knowledgeof preschool education failed to fuction; IV. Teachers in rural areaslacked sufficient expertise. The third aspect discusses the solution to theproblems of preschool education. I. Local government should strengthenthe administration to reduce the educational gap between cities andcountryside. II. Ranks of teachers should be strengthened to promote thewhole teaching levels of rural preschool education. III. The curricularreform should be deepened in rural kindergardens to improve the qualityof rural preschool education. IV. Various interactive activities amongrural families should be carried out to exert the advantage of theircooperation.To sum up, with joint efforts, a proper and innovative idea orsolution to the development of rural kindergardens would be worked outto set a pattern of running rural kindergardens. Thus, significant progress in preschool education in rural areas would be made, and the gap betweencities and countryside would be reduced so as to realize the grandblueprint of building a new sosialist countryside.
Keywords/Search Tags:Preschool Education in Rural Areas, New SocialistCountryside, Localized Education, Curricular Reform
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