Since the implementation of the family planning policy30years ago, the firstgeneration of one-child parents have gradually gotten older. There is such a specialgroup, because of the single child death, body and mind suffered a heavy blow, life getinto an embarrassment, known as "the lost family". The group is getting the moreconcern and attention of government and the community. So the government hasalready looked for countermeasures and taken a series of measures introducing socialorganization, the family care and support from all levels to improve the family planningspecial family assistance measures. However, due to the short time of the raising andconcern of the problem of loss of independence, and the specificity of the correspondingpopulations, the further assisting policy is needed urgently. In this paper, taking suzhoufor example it analyzes deeply insufficient policy of independence lost family and thelack of social support system about it based on the theory of responsible government,the public governance theory, public choice theory. It proposes countermeasures fromthe implementation of policy support and optimization the social assistance, socialmanagement. |