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The Township Civil Servants Job Satisfaction Survey In ZhuangHe City

Posted on:2016-08-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H R HuangFull Text:PDF
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Township government has the closest relationship to the rural area, the servants of which are the main and direct power to implement the rules and policies enacted by the central government. Also, servant jobs’ satisfaction can influence both the central and local government as well as the performance of their jobs. As an attitude, Job’s satisfaction has a great impact on the stuff such as the local servants’ job, life and mental health. Acting as an execution department, the governments serve the public as their main job, and among which process the servants shoulder a great responsibility. The job’s satisfaction of the servants is a direct factor which influences the efficiency, job’s quality and public impression of the certain department. In order to build a more harmony society and to serve the rural society better, we need to focus more on increasing their jobs’ satisfaction.Choosing ZhuangHe township government’s servants as the respondents in our investigation, we conducted the investigation among six township governments’ of them, and it indicated that, the job itself satisfied the servants most, while in contrary, the returns from their job made them most unsatisfied. As it shown on the result, it is ranking from the top to the bottom as followed: the job, leadership, management, interpersonal relationship, working environment, self-valuation, and returns.As a consequence, we learn from this investigation that, to improve job’s satisfaction, we must clearly realize that the grass-root servants are calling for the improvement of the job’s satisfaction. Reforming the management system; improving the job, leadership, management, interpersonal relationship, working environment, self-valuation, and returns; promote servants job’s satisfaction as a whole are the crucial steps to increase the cohesion and execution strength, making them a main force with high-level and high-quality in constructing our new-countryside.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Township Civil Servants, Job’s Satisfaction, ZhuangHe City
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