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Research On Early Warning Mechanism Of Public Opinion For The Local Government’s Response To Public Emergencies

Posted on:2016-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2296330470460295Subject:Library and file management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, there are lots of public emergencies happened frequently in our country which caused enorm ous casualties and econom ic losses and had serious impact on the harmony and stability of society. How to provide scientific prevention,being effective and correctly deal with various kinds of public emergencies has caused close attention in the comm unity. Early-warning m echanism of public opinion as an im portant part of gove rnment emergency management,can collect,integrate,analyze information in time,what’s more it can also make correct and reasonable judgment through the result, im plement effective emergency plan is the favorable way to reduce the harm of public emergencies to the m inimum value.Therefore, having a perfect early-wa rning mechanism of public opinion is the key to successfully cope with public emergencies for the local government.Currently, local governments have made some progress in re sponding to public emergencies for warning of the public opinion which m ainly reflected in the gradual improvement of the legal guarantee system and burgeoning ranks of public opinion, the initial establishment of early warn ing organization of public opinion and its liability system. But there also exp osed some problem, such as m onitory, analysis, forecast and scientific guidance deficiency of public opinion. The reasons lie in th e following areas: the lack of awareness, backward technology, obstructing the communication channels, legal deficiency and the deficiency of investigating responsibility of public opi nion. Through the realistic demands of e arly warning mechanism of public opinion during public emergencies, improving local government to deal with the pub lic emergency warning m echanism of public opinion not only important but urgent, which must focus on the promotion of preparedness, m onitor, forecast, guidance and feedback mechanism of public opinion.The main innovation of this paper is divided into two areas. Firstly, the article combined public emergencies with opinion, in the view of early warning mechanism of public opinion research for how do local government deal with public emergencies which provide a new ankle for the st udy of the governm ent public em ergency management. Secondly, this article analy zed the procedure for the preparedness, monitor, forecast, alarm ing, guidance, f eedback of public opin ion while local government response to public emergencies, this dissertation has initially constructed the operable early warning m echanism of public opinion for local governm ent response to public em ergencies. For the tim e being, some research has been done to this topic, but it is still immature. Theref ore, the f uture research should pay m ore attention to the de velopment of e arly warning sy stem and technology of public opinion, at the sam e time, we also need to focus on constructi ng the early warning regulation framework.
Keywords/Search Tags:Local Government, Public Emergencies, Early Warning Mechanism of Public Opinion
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