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The Research On The Leading Role Changes And The Countermeasures Of The Telecom Operators In The Mobile Internet Industry Chain

Posted on:2015-08-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422492735Subject:(professional degree in business administration)
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The2G Mobile Communication marked with voice and SMS began to evolve to the3GMobile Communication marked with high speed wireless transmission, multiple intelligenceterminal, rich applications and convenient online-payment from2009. The Mobile operatorscontinue to network deployment and mass customization of the intelligent terminals, which greatlypromoted the development of mobile Internet industry. In the2G era, the mobile operators had vastnumbers of users and charges without a rival, forming the “the user entrance+fee splitting” whichis known as the “walled garden” mode. The mobile operators dominated the mobile Internetindustry value chain completely. The3G mobile communication technology development ofwireless data transmission bandwidth and processing capability of the intelligent terminals,mobility and identity recognition effect produced by the combination of the them, profoundlychange the industry environment. The game focused on the end users, began with the applicationdevelopers and marketing platform, the terminal manufacturers, the financial services and themobile operators is more and more complex. The Apple Corp. created the “terminal+APP store"mode; The iOS and Android OS unified the mobile phone environment; the mobile-payment bythe intelligent terminal is convenient and efficient, the application developer is no longer rely onthe mobile operator`s fee-splitting mode to form the business loop; The industry value chain isbypass the operators from the user entrance and fee-splitting mode. So the operators lost theleading role in the Internet industry chain, became the "pipeline" for the transmission; the mainroles in the industry chain made the vertical extension and horizontal expansion to solid andpromote its industry status; the fundamental reason for the change is the progress ofcommunication technology.This paper studies the key changes in mobile Internet industry from the perspective oftechnological progress and evolution trend, thus draws conclusions as following:1. The communication technology and mobile financial services progress is the fundamentalreason for the mobile Internet industry value chain change;2. IM/SNS from the application service provider will dominate the industry value chain,operators are marginalized and the dominance wanes;Furthermore, the paper presented the related countermeasures for Mobile operators: 1.In order to change the unfavorable conditions which is channelization, operators mustset up the intelligent pipeline comprehensively and systematically, the mobile operators chargesfor difference levels about the users and the applications;2.The operators should open the business platform, the mobile users behavioral DATAand LBS DATA to the application developers, according to BIG-DATA ideas to create a newbusiness model for the large number of precision marketing, change the data into commercial value;3.The operators should provide the built-in advantage business, such as i-cloud computing,NFC(Near Field Communications) based on the mobile communication network, activate thebranches, take the initiative to build a mutually beneficial situation of the industry ecologicalenvironment, and join the other industry participants forming a win-win development of newmobile Internet industry chain.
Keywords/Search Tags:operators, mobile Internet, industry chain, pipelined, big data
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