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Research On Rural Household’s Waste Household Appliances In Henan Province

Posted on:2018-07-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330518954572Subject:Agricultural Extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the increasing popularity and development of electronic appliance,the amount of electronic wasbes is increasing.And the contamination problem caused by non-standard disassembly of electronic wastes is becoming increasingly serious,which draws much attenfion of governments and people fall round the world.Henan province is the district with high-level comsumption of home appliance.Consequently,the contamination problem in Henan province is becoming more and more serious.Therefore,it’s urgent to standarize the disassembly of household appliance wastes.Residents are the main body to invest in waste appliances,so in the process of recycling of waste household appliances,the role of residents is essential.Through the field visit and survey data obtained from the summary analysis can be seen in Henan Province,rural residents to invest in waste home appliances when the recovery price and convenience more concerned about,although the flow of informal waste recyclers into the village on the frequency is not high,But the rural residents in Henan Province is still a lot of waste home appliances to a large number of non-formal channels,Moreover,rural residents in Henan Province,the illegal dismantling of household appliances,the lack of awareness of the pollution,the wrong disposal of household appliances may bring to the rural residents themselves Serious pollution hazards.On the basis of the previous studies,this paper takes the rural residents in Henan Province as the research object,and makes an empirical study on the investment behavior of rural residents.Through the search of relevant literature,field visits and questionnaires and other means to analyze the rural residents in Henan Province to invest in the existence of the reality of the situation of household appliances and found that rural residents abandoned the waste due to the illegal dismantling of waste appliances caused by inadequate understanding of pollution and informal Recycling of high recovery costs,resulting in rural residents choose to idle home appliances or home to the informal channels.Under the premise of deep analysis of the current situation and problems of the rural household in Henan province,the author puts forward some measures such as setting up economic incentives,improving the channels of residents’ investment and increasing the publicity and guidance in the spirit of scientific planning and coordination management,Improve residents’ awareness of environmental protection,andguide residents to standardize the investment.The conclusion of this paper can provide reference for the government to formulate relevant policies and legal constraints,and provide reference for the recycling of producers and other formal recycling enterprises,so as to improve the rate of delivery of formal channels in rural areas of Henan Province and promote the resources of rural areas Recycling,reduce environmental pollution in rural areas,promote the development of beautiful rural construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Waste household appliances, Rural residents, Delivery
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