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A Report On Restructuring Chinese Translation Based On A Sentence Unit

Posted on:2019-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y HuangFull Text:PDF
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As the countries around the world connect more and more close,in 2015,Chinese President Xi Jinping visited the U.K.,which started ‘Golden Age'between China and the U.K.If we want to build friendly relationship with Britain,it's necessary to have a deep leaning of this country,especially it's history and relationship with other countries.Therefore,the translator chooses a book about British history as the translation material.The translation material is based on chapter 5 and chapter 6 excerpted from A History of Britain-Volume 3: The Fate of Empire 1776-2000,which is written by Simon Schama,an English historian and a university professor of Art History at Columbia University,publishing in 2009.This is a historical book without Chinese version.This book contains eight chapters,spanning two centuries and answering a question that how the industrial society could come though its growing pains without falling apart in social and political conflict.The selected part in chapter 5 centres on figures'description of governor Lord Curzon,historian and senior official Macaulay and colonial administrator Trevelyan.They insisted that Britain was the greatest force the world has ever seen and colonization of India was bringing blessing to them.Though what they did betrayed their wishes,Britain still implemented uncompromising policies.The main body of the selected part in chapter 6 is that under administration of Dalhousie,due to conflict between two different culture,Indian launched a fierce resistance to Britain authority,leading into the final munity.Indian mutineers gave Britain fatal slamming while tenacious Britain didn't give up.They continually ruled India and carried out the policy of ‘trusteeship'in Punjab as well as other places.The whole text is based on a tone of objective and indicative mood,presenting British real statement from 1770 to 2000 in terms of various perspectives and topics.The author adopted Katharina Reiss's theory of text typology as guidance.In accordance with this theory,A History of Britain-Volume 3: The Fate of Empire 1776-2000 belongs to informative text.In the excerpted chapters exist substantial sentences with complicated structures.Most sentences consist of a main sentence followed by several interlocking clauses,or a main sentence and a subordinate clause with prepositional phrases and other components inserted in.Under such a situation,it is so difficult to understand the meaning of the original text.Therefore,while translating,with the guidance of Reiss's theory,the author analyzed structures of complicated languages,and used translation skills of division,restructuring and conversion.Much more explanations have been given into cases descriptions,which elaborate the application of translation skills in informative text.Depending on reading the whole material and grasping its main idea,it occurs to the author that complex sentence structure is the most important stylistic characteristic in the original text.Focusing on this point,through analyzing syntactic structure and personal practice,the author draws conclusions as follow: There are a great number of complex sentences in the informative text.While using division,restructuring,and conversion can cope with this problem so as to provide an accurate and accessible translation,like a work written in native language.Besides,different types of text have different translation skills.So before translating,sufficient text analysis and determination of textual type is necessary.We can get help from Reiss's theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:A sentence unit, restructuring, 'Text Typology' theory
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