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Comparison Of The Evaluation System Of Part-time Teachers In Higher Vocational Colleges Between China And The United States

Posted on:2020-09-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330596474050Subject:Vocational and Technical Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,the state has attached more importance to vocational education,and the tolerance of society to vocational education has gradually widened.Vocational education has ushered in the spring of development.At the same time of the development of vocational education,people are not satisfied with simply mastering one skill,but are more inclined to further develop a certain professional skill and professional knowledge.The transformation of people's development consciousness has led to the expansion of the scale of higher education in China.The increase in the number of higher vocational education has led to an increasingly prominent resource problem for teachers in higher vocational education in China.In order to alleviate the shortage of teachers' resources,higher vocational colleges have begun to recruit relevant personnel with technical and practical experience to expand the teaching staff.The development of part-time teachers in higher vocational colleges in China has been for some time.It is aimed at alleviating the shortage of teachers' resources and the lack of professional skills of teachers.The school pays less attention to the management of part-time teachers.The evaluation of teachers is also related to the development of the teaching team.Part-time teachers are an integral part of the teaching team.Their evaluation plays an important role in the construction of the teaching staff.This paper defines the evaluation of part-time teachers.Based on human resource theory,goal management theory,motivation theory,developmental teacher evaluation theory,and using literature research method,comparative research method and interview method,it is a part-time teacher of higher vocational colleges in China and the United States.The evaluation system is compared,looking for the similarities and differences between the higher vocational colleges in the evaluation system of part-time teachers,combined with the management methods of part-time teachers in higher vocational colleges in China,through the full-time teachers,part-time teachers and hospitals of some higher vocational colleges in China(Leaders and students conduct interviews,master the actual materials,and on this basis,seek new measuressuitable for the evaluation and construction of part-time teachers in higher vocational colleges in China.Therefore,this paper analyzes the three main contents of the evaluation objectives,evaluation process and evaluation results of part-time teachers,seeks reference experience,and provides suggestions for improving the evaluation system of part-time teachers in higher vocational colleges in China.Based on the above,this study includes the following contents in addition to the preface and conclusion:By comparing the sources and evaluation status of part-time teachers in Chinese and American higher vocational colleges,it is found that the source of part-time teachers in the two countries is roughly the same,but the proportion of part-time teachers in the two countries is different,and the evaluation system of part-time teachers in the United States has formed a specialization.Institutional differences,the evaluation procedures are fixed,and the evaluation results are diversified.The construction of the part-time teacher evaluation system in China is relatively shallow,mainly due to the different orientations of the part-time teachers in higher vocational colleges.The comparison of the evaluation system of part-time teachers in higher vocational colleges between China and the United States is mainly in-depth comparison from the evaluation objectives,evaluation process and feedback of evaluation results of part-time teachers.In terms of evaluation purposes,China has not clarified the purpose of evaluation of part-time teachers,adopting a parallel model of developmental evaluation and reward and punishment evaluation,while the United States emphasizes the development of part-time teachers in evaluation;secondly,the United States adopts part-time teachers themselves,peers(colleagues),students.The management team has a parallel evaluation of the main mode,while China does not distinguish between the primary and secondary in the evaluation,ignoring the evaluation of the part-time teachers themselves and their peers(colleagues);again,the evaluation method in China is relatively simple,written materials,attending lectures,and online reviews.Teaching and other modes are widely used for part-time teacher evaluation,while the United States maximizes the subjectivity of part-time teachers by adding teachers' self-reported materials.Finally,China has a single feedback method for evaluation results,and has a low degree of association with part-time teachers.The results are linked to the benefits of part-time teachers,fully mobilizing their enthusiasm.By comparison,it is found that the content of part-time teachers in higher vocational colleges in China is single,and it is mostly limited to classroom evaluation.Because of the unclear understanding of the role of part-time teachers,the evaluation of part-time teachers is only done after completing school work.The evaluation of part-time teachers in the UnitedStates is determined internally,so a diversified and three-dimensional evaluation content system has been formed.In the comparison of the status quo between the two countries,combined with the evaluation of the status of part-time teachers in China,it is considered that there is utilitarianism in the evaluation of part-time teachers in China.Part-time teachers and peers are not involved in the evaluation of part-time teachers,and the evaluation content is single,the theory is light practice,and the research is not obtained.Due attention should be paid;the evaluation method lacked written materials,and the student evaluation was not fully exerted,resulting in the functional evaluation of the part-time teacher was not strong.To this end,the corresponding recommendations are proposed from the five dimensions of evaluation purpose,evaluation and evaluation results.
Keywords/Search Tags:higher vocational colleges, part-time teachers, teacher evaluation
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