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Research On The Exercises In The "Outline Of Chinese And Foreign History" (Part 1), A High School History Textbook Compiled By The Ministry Of Education

Posted on:2021-07-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L DengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2517306038986089Subject:Master of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Textbook exercises are an auxiliary system for texts.They are an important medium to help students understand textbooks and consolidate what they have learned.They are also a powerful basis for evaluating the teaching process of teachers and students.Textbook exercises officially appeared in historical textbooks in the 1920s,and its distribution began to extend from the back of the text to the text at the end of the 20th century.Until today,textbook exercises have become an indispensable part of the textbook system.To this day,textbook exercises have become an integral part of the textbook system.In today’s academic circles,research on history education is very extensive,including history teaching methods,history textbooks,and history assignments.Although scholars are involved in the history textbook exercises,they have a late start,few results,and a relatively weak research system.At the same time,with the deepening of the new curriculum reform,the new concept of homework has become an important concept to guide assignments from preparation to arrangement,and the latest edition of the history textbook Outline of Chinese and Foreign History compiled by the Ministry of Education has also been formally put into history teaching.Therefore,on the basis of previous studies,combined with the guidance of the new concept of homework,it is necessary to study the textbook exercises of the new textbook.The purpose of the research is to analyze the textbook exercises of the new textbook and summarize the characteristics of the settings.Based on this,the characteristics of the new textbook exercises are evaluated to provide teaching strategies for using the textbook exercises.This article takes the exercises of textbook Outline Of Chinese And Foreign History(Part Ⅰ)as research objects,and divides the full text into four parts from the perspective of analysis,evaluation,and use of the exercises.In the first part,the author discusses the concept of homework under the new curriculum reform:the viewpoint of educational psychology proves that homework and textbook exercises are beneficial to the acquisition of knowledge,teaching evaluation and intensive learning,etc.The new concept of homework emphasizes the regeneration of knowledge and the pursuit of the dynamic nature of homework;the design of exercises in history textbooks should rely on the content of textbooks,with the help of new materials,close to life.The second part of the specific analysis part of the textbook exercises:textbook exercises set up Thinking Point,Window of learning and thinking and Inquiry and Expansion three major questions;it has the characteristics of formation and development,openness and inquiry,flexibility and innovation,process and motivation,challenge and so on.The third part objectively evaluates the textbook exercises compiled by the department:compared with the current three edition of senior high school history textbooks,the classification of textbook exercises in the new textbook is clearer,the quantity is more reasonable,and the difficulty is more hierarchical,and also integrates the historical core accomplishment in the exercise content;however,the exercises also have the deficiency of unclear goal,unreasonable content and not rigorous expression.The fourth part probes into the use strategies of textbook exercises:according to the questionnaire survey and analysis,find out the neglect of textbook exercises in teaching practice,clear and efficient use of new textbook exercises should be flexible according to the teaching content,problem setting and student differences.In a word,before the comprehensive popularization of the textbook compiled by the Ministry,it is helpful to make full use of the textbook exercises and make rational use of the teaching resources,so as to further improve the teaching links.
Keywords/Search Tags:Outline of Chinese and Foreign History, new homework view, textbook exercises, Core Literacy
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