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Research On The Administrative Rule Of Law For The "Accountability Of The Party And The Government"

Posted on:2017-11-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Government accountability system is a standard accountable rule for party organizations at all levels, leading cadres or party members who have the obligation of public administration by certain procedures and specific subjects. It related to the dereliction of duty default which leads to the loss of social public interests, the legitimate rights and interests of the relative person, even cause other negative effects for work order and departmental performance.Since 2003, accountability is frequently used in the field of public administration of Chinese political party. A group of senior officials have been dismissed or resigned by these procedure which highlight the determination of central government to administer our country according to law, construct responsible government and promote the process of democracy.By the force promotion of central government, the local governments at all levels responded positively and introduced the accountability system to improve the administrative efficiency, standardize the administrative management, strengthen the sense of responsibility. However, the understand and application of the accountability system is equivalent to the internal governance of superior to subordinate to a certain extent, there is still a serious problem of internal supervision, such as the narrow definition, randomness and formalities of responsibility.According to above problems, this paper proposed the legal thinking way to improve Chinese party and government accountability system from three aspects on the basis of previous research. In the first part, the development of the Chinese accountability system has been showed, including the new development of ancient accountability political tradition and modern accountability of officials. In the second part, the legal cognition, the theoretical basis, logical implication and constituent elements of the party and the government accountability system have been analyzed. In the third part, some problems accounted in the performance of accountability have been analyzed combing the current situation of the central and local implementation. It is an useful way to make scientific and effective exploration. Some opinions and suggestions have been put forward to build the party and government accountability system which could satisfy China’s national conditions and the reform of the political system.
Keywords/Search Tags:accountability, Party and government accountability system, Public Governance, responsible government, administer a country according to law
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