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The Design And Implementation Of A MOOC Service Platform

Posted on:2018-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2347330542979091Subject:Control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of network globalization,the traditional teaching mode can’t meet the needs of social groups for knowledge,meantime the development of the network also pushes the explosion of the information,then the open web course arises at the historic moment.The appearance of the MOOC learning mode makes the study of the most scholars become more simple,and more casual,online learning by PC or mobile device can let the learners learn the knowledge which they’re interested anytime and anywhere,and there is no more any restricted by learning cost,time and space.MOOC course integrates various kinds of digital resources,and it has a variety of curriculum resources.MOOC has become the most sought-after vocabulary in the world of education,it is a new form of online education,and it is a trend of online learning in the age of Internet,also it is a positive complement to traditional teaching mode,MOOC has attracted more and more attention from domestic educational circles in recent years.Based on the pattern of MOOC,this paper developed one large distributed service platform,which has the function of online teaching,online course management,online knowledge sharing,online communication and discussion.Through this platform,the students can study video,make online testing and online discussion,the teacher can make course management,and release quality curriculum resources.This system is designed based on B/S architecture,implemented by using Spring+ Hibernate framework of MVC design mode,and developed with JSP programming language,MySQL database,and the current cutting-edge web technology standards(HTML,JAVA EE7,WEBSOCKET).The system realizes the main function modules,such as user management,system management,curriculum management and so on,the registered students can lean the corresponding courses on the internet,and communicate with each other,it finally realizes a kind of network teaching mode and promotes resource sharing.Large network open(MOOC)communication service platform,if it can get promotion,it will gather a large number of person on this platform,which changes the teaching idea from teacher-centered into students-centered,and changes the fixed and structured single traditional curriculum content into structure flexible and device curriculum,and changes pure teaching resources into many aspects of curriculum and teaching resources,and make students obtain knowledge from simple linear into complicated and networking,and realize the resources specialization and sharing.It can not only improve the information literacy of students,but also improve the ability of autonomic learning of students,the students can study knowledge at anytime and anywhere,and play the effect of flipped classroom to a certain extent,and impact the traditional learning mode to a certain degree.
Keywords/Search Tags:MOOC, Spring MVC, Distributed, online class, Flipped classroom
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