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Research On The Construction And Application Of Flipped Classroom Teaching Model Based On MOOC Platform

Posted on:2020-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B PangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330575466705Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous deepening of the application of IT in education,all universities are carrying out teaching reform and innovation according to their own reality.Exploring how to use information technology more effectively to improve teaching and constructing new teaching model to improve teaching efficiency have become hot issues in the current education domain.Flipping classroom is a kind of teaching mode which reverses the activities in class and after class..Learning before teaching is a favorable means to improve students’ learning initiative.In flipped classroom,how to select the teaching platform and integrate the modern teaching concept into it becomes the key factor affecting the effect of flipped classroom.As one of the most popular educational technologies,MOOC has been continuously practiced in the higher education field and achieved certain effects.The improvement of the functions of MOOC platform,such as resources sharing and multiple evaluations,provides necessary technical support for flipped classroom.As a teaching method aims at cultivating innovative talents,STEM education has been proved by many scholars as of great significance in developing learners’ autonomous learning ability,practice ability and other abilities.However,STEM education,as a modern educational concept which can expand the space for teaching reform in China,has rarely been applied in the field of higher education.Based on this,the author of this thesis constructs a flipped classroom teaching model integrating STEM education concept based on MOOC platform and applies it to the curriculum "College Computer Foundation" in order to obtain some valuable achievements.The construction of this thesis is as following.First of all,the researcher discussed the research background,the research status of flipped classroom and MOOC,and then introduced the research significance and methods used in this study.Secondly,the thesis introduces the basic concepts of flipped classroom and MOOC as well as the theoretical basis of this study.It analyzes the feasibility of implementing the flipped classroom teaching mode based on the MOOC platform at Hebei Normal University,introduces the main functions ofZhihuishu MOOC platform applied in Hebei Normal University,and constructs a flipped classroom teaching model integrating STEM 5E teaching model based on the MOOC platform.Through the analysis of the course "college computer foundation" and the characteristics of learners,the researcher designed the learning content,learning objectives,learning strategies and learning activities for this model.Finally,the flipped classroom teaching model based on the MOOC platform was applied in two representative chapters selected in the curriculum “College Computer Foundation”.Through analyzing the application effect,the researcher found that this teaching model has positive effects on students’ autonomous learning ability,knowledge understanding and mastery.
Keywords/Search Tags:MOOC platform, flipped classroom, teaching model, "College Computer Foundation"
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