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Practice Report On Chinese To English Computer-aided Translation And Post-editing Of Users’ Privacy Policy

Posted on:2021-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330602471971Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This translation report is based on the translation process of two pieces of users’ privacy policy,which are assigned by Shenzhen WeMaven Translation Co.,Ltd.The materials require a translation from traditional Chinese to English.As legal texts,they have a rigorous and formal language style,professional wording,and complex and long sentence pattern.The users’ privacy policy is mostly prepared for users of websites or apps,as well as clients who use certain businesses or services,to illustrate what rights users/clients have,and how the company will process,preserve and transmit their private data.The translator combines the method of computer-aided translation(CAT),machine translation and post-editing in this project,and finally completes the task on time with high quality.Many studies about post-editing of machine translation are seen in academic field,and almost a third of the to-be-translated text in this project could be automatically translated with CAT tool.Therefore,this report will focus on analyzing texts automatically translated with translation memory and illustrate how to do fast post-editing with the assistance of Wordfast 5 to reduce workload and improve work efficiency.To be more specific,based on errors in the source text,divided meaning group,fuzzy match,literal translation,inaccurate terms and modal verbs and grammatical errors during the translation with the aid of CAT tool,the translator will give out six post-editing methods: modification of source text,batch processing(terms,high-frequency words,etc.),change of word order,correction,grammar check,addition and deletion with comparison feature.In the process of translation,the translator found that CAT has its own shortcomings and defects and that only through post-editing can we avoid mistakes and ensure the translation quality.Therefore,how to better coordinate the relationship between CAT and post-editing is a topic worthy of further discussion in the future.Moreover,the translator believes that if the translations in TM(Translation memory)is relatively accurate and post editors have accepted long-term post-editing training,the translation productivity can be largely increased to meet the surging demand on translation services.
Keywords/Search Tags:Computer-aided translation, CAT tools, Wordfast 5, post-editing methods
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