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Research On The Adaptation Of Practical Articles In Junior Middle School Chinese Textbooks

Posted on:2021-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y FuFull Text:PDF
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Since the unified use of the unified Chinese textbook in 2017,it marks the official end of the era of "one program and many books".Before entering the field of vision of teachers and students,most of the selected articles in the textbooks were edited and modified in varying degrees.Practical articles occupy a place in the selection of junior high school Chinese textbooks.Through the statistics of all articles involved in deletion and modification in junior high school Chinese textbooks,nearly90% of practical articles are deleted and modified when they are selected into junior high school Chinese textbooks.The purpose of this paper is to study the deletion and modification of practical articles in order to serve the teaching.The specific object of this paper is the non controversial and typical practical articles classified according to the way of expression in the junior high school Chinese textbook(grade 7-9),which are explanatory articles(mainly in popular science articles),argumentative articles(mainly in speeches and letters),narrative articles(mainly in News)and related genres.Based on the difference between "article" and "Literature",this paper studies the adaptation of practical articles.The research method is the combination of quantitative research and qualitative research.The quantitative research mainly adopts the data statistics method to classify and count the selection and deletion of practical articles in the form of tables,and the qualitative research adopts the literature sorting method to analyze the data.Combing the reason of adaptation and discussing the adaptation,analyzing its reasonable and improper,and then trying to put forward the teaching strategy suggestions for the practical articles adapted.The first part makes a comprehensive and specific statistics on the selection and deletion of practical articles in the junior middle school Chinese textbook(7-9),and the way of data statistics can find the adaptation problems more intuitively.The second part is based on the above statistical data analysis adaptation reasons.The third part is to discuss the above-mentioned statistical adaptation content,analyze the reasonable and improper points and put forward three suggestions for adaptation.First,broaden the boundaries of selected articles;second,select more typical practical articles;third,increase articles closer to daily use.The fourth part is to put forwardtwo strategic suggestions for the teaching of practical articles by thinking about the adapted contents of practical articles.First,we should treat the deleted content rationally.We can consider the type of selected text to deal with the deleted content or use the deleted content selectively as a reasonable educational resource in teaching.Second,we should explore new teaching methods,such as constructing the thinking path,launching critical reading teaching,exploring the integration of reading,writing and modification with the help of ORID and opvl The teaching mode of practical writing.
Keywords/Search Tags:unified textbook, junior high school Chinese textbook, practical articles, deletion and modification
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