This thesis is a practical report on the Chinese-English translation of The Bronze Drums of China and Southeast Asia, Volume of Myanmar during which computer aided translation (CAT in abbreviation) technology was employed. Three questions are mainly discussed in this report:the translation strategies of the informative texts; the merits and limitations of CAT technology (taking SDL Trados 2014 as an example) compared with manual translation; the ways to bring the advantages of CAT technology into full play in order to guarantee the translation quality. As a result, Skopostheorie is proposed to guide the translation of informative texts with the support of CAT technology.The report includes the detailed introductions of the translation project and SDL Trados 2014 and the description of the entire process the author carried out from the preparation to the translation of the project. After briefly introducing Skopostheorie, the author analyzes some cases and comes up with the approaches of applying Skopostheorie to guide the translation with the support of CAT. Finally, the author summarizes the experience gained during the practice and rethinks about the shortcomings of this report.By developing this report, the author hopes not only to give his readers a comprehensive and objective view of CAT and the process of using it, but also help to improve the translation efficiency of the translators. The results of this thesis are expected to be studied further and to provide experiences and references for practitioners of translation. |